We can help you if you are facing a tax investigation, whether in your business or your personal affairs, and whatever industry sector you work in.
We have lots of experience in assisting clients in the area of waste management and mitigating penalties for accidental pollution of the environment.
Having advised operators, manufacturers, suppliers, and payment companies, we have dealt with most types of legal issue in gambling at one time or another.
From animal welfare to retail food supply, we have handled numerous investigations in the food chain, with particular expertise in meat processing and abattoirs.
We have represented corporate and individual clients facing allegations (and sometimes prosecutions) for bribery, fraud, money laundering or other white collar dishonesty offences.
We can advise on all manner of commercial disputes and can represent you in an ADR meeting or in court, having conducted cases in the High Court, County Court, Court of Appeal, Tax Tribunal and other tribunals.
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